Sunstone is said to be a stone of leadership, encouraging the wearer to be open, benevolent and willing to bestow blessings upon others. Also known as a stone of joy, sunstone is believed to inspire good nature and an enjoyment of life.
Sunstone infuses you with worthiness, it hits all the right notes for ensuring that negative energies melt away and you are left with the radiance of optimism and a positive can-do attitude. While Sunstone is known for its bright sense of optimism that doesn’t mean that it coats everything with a rosy hue. This stone knows that for a healthy and balanced mindset, it's important to have a full spectrum of emotions, but it also knows that emotional intelligence comes from feeling rooted in self-worth, confidence, and the knowledge that no matter what happens you will find a spot of light in which to persevere.
Item is 9.3oz